Saturday 2 April 2016


kidsNeuro and Rehab Center is a pediatric neurology clinic and rehabilitation center. It will be the only dedicated child neurology clinic and rehabilitation center that is managed and directed by American Board consultant child neurologist, Dr Hamza Alsayouf,MD . We provide excellent care to patients from birth to 21 years of age. Our primary focus is to give your child the best diagnosis possible, while sharing vital health-related information with you to further improve your child's health. We care about every child's well-being, which is why we take the time to get to know each of our patients very well. Kids with special needs who recieve physical therapy,occupational therapy or speech therapy are moving targets.Therefore,they need to be assessed periodically by a team of therapists, child neurologist or physicians with special expertise in this are these areas. In addition many of these kids are being treated with therapists only while ignoring the medical part that is integral to their treatment.Many of these kids do have associated conditions like spasticity that needs Botox injection ,seizures that need medications treatment done by child neurologist. We are excited to start our center to have team approach toward our existing patients for most optimum results.

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